The buildings in Hong-Ming High School
Ming-Ze Building (The First Teaching Building)
In memory of the mentor of the school, Xue-Lu Li, this building is named after him, whose also name in Buddhism is Ming-De, to present the school’s ideal and heritage.
The second character of the name “Ze” is inspired by one of the Sixty-four Hexagrams called “Due Hexagram” in the Book of Changes, which is composed of “Li Trigram” and “Ze Trgram,” indicating that a man of noble character should study and practice with friends in peaceful joy. The name of this building is meant to expect the teachers and the students who teach and study in this building to follow what they have learned from the Analects of Confucius: “Isn't it a pleasure to study and practice what you have learned? Isn't it also great when friends visit from distant places?
為了紀念這座建築物的主要捐助者,明秀樓的第二個字“秀”,即是以她的名字中之“秀”字來命名。 此外,“秀”在中文裡也被定義為“卓越”的意思。第二教學大樓以此含意命名,期許我們培養的弘明高中學生,都是具有文化素養的卓越人才。
Ming-Xiu Building (The Second Teaching Building)
In honor of those who have made contributions to this building, the second character of the name, “Xiu,” comes from the majority of the donors of Hong-Ming educational organizations, whose names happen to carry the character “Xiu.” Furthermore, “Xiu” is also defined as “Excellence” in Chinese. By virtue of this definition, we anticipate that students in Hong-Ming High School will grow into excellent people with cultural cultivation.
用典:《易經‧乾卦 》:「天行健,君子以自強不息」,體育館以此含義命名,期許在這裏活動的師生都能自立自強,效法天德,剛健不息。
Ming-Jiang Hall (The Auditorium)
The auditorium is named Ming-Jiang Hall, in which the second character “Jiang” means being strong and healthy in Chinese. All the teachers and students using this place are expected to be healthy and energetic.
“Jiang” also comes from the first hexagram of the Sixty-four Hexagrams called “Qian Hexagram,” which indicates “As Heaven maintains vigor through movement, a man of noble character should constantly strive for self-perfection!” Exercising in this space, teachers and students are expected to emulate the virtue of Heaven and constantly strive for self-perfection.
用典:《易經‧隨卦 》:「君子以嚮晦入宴息」「隨時之義大矣哉」,宿舍以此含義命名,期許居住在裏面的學生效法前賢,配合天地運行而正常作息,生活規律,專心學習。
Ming-Shi Building (The Student Dormitory)
“Shi” means “time” in Chinese, and it also refers to being punctual. Accordingly, the students who stay in the dormitory are expected to live a regular life.
As the 17th Hexagram in the Book of Changes, “Sui Hexagram” indicates, “A man of noble character should take a rest at sunset. How significant it is to follow the order of nature.” The name of the dormitory building is based on this hexagram in the hope that the students will live a regular life and focus on studying just as the sages follow the orbiting of the universe.
含義:「頤」是人的面頰,所以吃到美食是「大快朵頤」,廚房以此命名, 希望全校師生能享用美味健康的伙食。
用典:《易經‧頤卦 》:「君子以慎言語節飲食」,雖然是「大快朵頤」的美食當前,仍舊要有節制的取用,才符合養生的原則;而所謂「病從口入,禍從口出」,謹慎言語,更是君子修養自身的重要美德。
Ming-Yi Building (The School Kitchen)
“Yi” refers to the cheeks of a person in Chinese. The school kitchen is named Ming-Yi Building because we hope the teachers and students can enjoy tasty and healthy food to the satisfaction of their cheeks
“Yi Hexagram,” the 27th Hexagram in the Book of Changes, indicates, “A man of noble character should be careful with his language and diet.” Although we have plenty of delicious food on the table to enjoy, we need to be abstemious in eating and drinking. This way, we may stay healthy and enjoy longevity.
含義:「士先器識,然後文藝」,期望使用本 校圖書館的學生,除了增加知識之外,更要 具有恢宏的器識。
用典:《易經‧大畜卦 》:「君子以多識前言往行,以畜其德」,採用此卦命名,因為圖書館是儲蓄大量前人知識的場所,但是一個君子更要深刻體認到,品德的成長與知識的吸收是同樣重要的。
Ming- Shi Hall (The School Library)
In Chinese, the word “Shi” is used to describe a person with wide knowledge and illuminating insight. A scholar should cultivate his tolerance and insight before learning knowledge and developing skills. This is the principle for students to follow when they are making use of the library.
“Da-Xu Hexagram,” the 26th Hexagram in the Book of Changes, indicates, “A man of noble character should learn more moral teachings and behavior from precedent paragons to nourish his virtue.”
The explanation of Da-Xu Hexagram is quoted to name the library because a library is a storage space of knowledge and wisdom passed down by precedent paragons. A man of noble character should deeply realize that the development of character is as important as the assimilation of knowledge.